Nov 13, 2023Liked by Sarah Barker

If a female athlete makes a choice about her body, for instance to have a baby, there will be consequences for her sporting career. Likewise for taking a banned substance, if she decides to take T there will be consequences: probable performance enhancement, physical changes, possible long-term health issues, potential suspension from her sport for doping. As you mention, some trans-identifying female athletes choose not to take T so they can still compete in the women’s competition, so why are sporting federations allowing people who claim to be non-binary a loophole? Should the non-binary category be a free-for-all? Can you attach a motor to your bike because your slower times make you dysphoric? Talk about wacky races! T is banned for good reason, as anyone who remembers the female East German swimmers of the 80s can attest. Claiming that your unverifiable synthetic sex identity somehow magically makes taking a performance enhancing drug acceptable or necessary is beyond bizarre.

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This is weird and hateful. Find a different obsession.

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gender ideology harms historically marginalized groups, such as women. kids, gays and ppl with psych issues to benefit white people who arent marginalized but pretend to be.

I guess you dont care about people cheating at sports, robbing women of their safety, sterilizing kids and gays to address normal psych issues most grow out of or promoting quack care evidence shows doesnt work to people with psych issues. but some people do. people who care about others arent hateful.

gender ideology is one of the most misogynistic and homophobic interventions man has ever developed. youre being lied to.

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What is weird is that someone who identifies as non binary is wanting to change sex.

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