And why on earth is Hiltz not racing in the male category? She believes in this ideology until it would be inconvenient for her (she wouldn’t win anymore)?

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That's the hypocrisy and incoherence of the ideology. Hiltz, Quinn (Canadian soccer player), a female WNBA player whose name escapes me--any woman at the top level of sports continues to compete in the female category because, even with testosterone, they would not have a career in the men's category. They absolutely DO know that sex effects sports performance, not gender identity. It's so frustrating that they will not use their platform to tell that truth instead of spreading obvious lies.

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It's Layshia Clarendon, who got feature stories in SI AND ESPN in 2021 for being nonbinary in the WNBA. Both articles were a TRA propaganda dream.

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Lies, lies, lies, they swim in a sea of lies! Lying to themselves , lying to others! How can they live with themselves ? They’re utterly pathetic!

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That’s the only thing remotely male about her, claiming her place in the women’s events like other males. She is a dog disgrace, totally trashing every woman but happy to compete in her biological category. Awful.

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Exactly by her own rules she doesn’t ‘belong’

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Great article, Sarah! You know what I need? A gender critic’s guide to watching the Olympics. Which women’s events have at least one man competing, which female athletes are shilling for the cheaters, etc. (Maybe an idea for your next post?🧐)

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Excellent idea! Tough to pull off though as each sport has different eligibility rules, and it's difficult to find out the sex of individual athletes even from this country, to say nothing of those from another country. Unless the athlete has spurred some press (which may not be in English) before the Olympics, it's for darn sure the Olympic Broadcasting folks will keep a tight lid on any males competing in the female category. That's part of the reason for their insanely restrictive "guidelines" for the media, that tell journalists not to use "born male" or god forbid "trans-identified male" in favor of "trans woman." George Perry has written an article about those guidelines coming out soon--stay tuned

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Well what do you know--you ask and For Women Scotland Sport answered. They ran down the trans-identified male eligibility policies for each sport in this thread, https://x.com/FWSSport/status/1811120803704135971. As you can see, there's a lot of "varies by National Governing Body."

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I just hate we have come to a point where barefaced lies are acceptable! We definitely live in an Orwellian world as far as the trans mania goes .

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PS, my next podcast guest wrote this amazing piece on how synthetic “T” and anabolic steroids are the same damn thing! And how the drug affects female bodies. It’s a horror show. Here’s the link:


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Of course. I consulted Ross Tucker about the effect of T on women. Thanks to the Eastern Bloc countries that ran a well organized and documented state sponsored doping program for their athletes, we know exactly what they took, how much, for how long, and the short and long term effects. They generally kept the dosages low enough so that female athletes didn't grow facial hair as that would be a dead giveaway, and the athletes only took it for periods of time during their peak training and competition years, maybe 5 years. We don't know how much T Calamia (female) uses but since her goal is to grow facial hair (accomplished), it must be pretty high doses, doses that Tucker said would without doubt have performance enhancing effect. Aside from doping, Calamia will presumably be taking high doses of T, not for 5 years, but for the rest of her life, which is a guarantee of deleterious effects on her body. But Calamia has fought tooth and nail for the ability to do that, so a-okay. It's just sad/dangerous that she uses her social media platform to tout this as the promised land to young girls.

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Taking these hormones must have some other health effects down the road . But what the heck.. just keep

on cheating!

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Here's the article that Sarah mentioned below. https://www.thefemalecategory.com/p/linguistic-gymnastics-summer-olympics

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As a five year old I marched in support of title IX with a sign that said “separate but equal”. When I think about how much it pains me to listen and read about to this absolute misogynistic, homophobic BS about non-binary meaning anything, it’s almost too much to bear. BARF on Hintz-may she come to her senses before she inspires more young people to become medical patients for life- shame on runners world ! Shame on all of us for allowing this to happen. UGH! My grandmother is rolling over in her grave!!!

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Anyone with any integrity hates what is going on! The trans cult contaminates anything it touches. It’s like a nasty dirty virus .

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Sorry! I forgot to delete some notes at the bottom of the original post. Thank goodness for edits

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Well said! As Sharron Davies and many others have pointed out: “Sport is played by bodies, not gender identities.” That a woman identifies herself as non-binary doesn’t change that immutable fact.

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Non-binary is about as stupid as it gets! Unless you’re a Barbie doll

without genitalia! The really weird thing about non-binary is that these deluded people reject the binary of sex , but by saying that they’re “non-binary” they have to accept that there IS a binary!

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It’s the media praise of such hypocrisy and misogyny that is the most upsetting

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OK -- so it's not my imagination that virtually every post and/or article about Hiltz removes the "Women's" from the 1,500 or what ever race Nikki enters.

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This insanity and the people supporting it knows no bounds!

Please keep exposing it!

Thank you!

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How crazy is it to applaud trans men for competing in their own female sex category while at the same crying about trans women not being allowed to compete in that very same female category ?

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Yes, that's the crucial question - why is she not running with the men? She obviously rejects her innate sex and has only contempt for women. Thank you Sarah for your concise and thoughtful analysis of the situation.

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Boxer Patricio (fomerly Patricia) Manuel competes, since 2018, only in men's boxing matches. Whatever other reservations we may have, I suppose we must at least acknowledge Manuel's consistency and lack of hypocrisy, in contrast to Hiltz.


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I knew about this roided out female fighting in the male category. She was up against very weak fighters until she recently got into a fight with a significantly smaller weaker looking man who knocked her out 21 seconds into the first round. T did not make her a man, not even close

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Doesn't sound like much of match for the girls who defended me against male bullies in the playground, though to be fair, the latter were not bound by the rules of professional boxing, and took full advantage of the fact! (-:

For the benefit of sporting statistics nerds only, Manuel narrowly won on points (39-37) in her first bout in the male category. Her second win was awarded on a technical decision following an accidental head-clash, while her third victory (the latest so far) was against Alexander Gutierrez, who according to the boxing stats website www.tapology.com has lost every professional fight in which he has taken part.

By contrast, while still fighting in the female category, and before surgery or testosterone, Manuel was national amateur champion five times, and passed four trials for a place in the 2012 Women's U.S. Olympic Team before being obliged to withdraw due to a shoulder injury.

The point of citing these details is not to “shame” Manuel, who I suppose is harming nobody but herself by competing “as a man”, but rather to emphasize – through contrast – the gross unfairness involved when the situation is reversed, and males compete in women's boxing matches, something which Manuel has (predictably) also defended: “the WBC is inherently dehumanizing transgender people by implying that trans men aren’t men and trans women aren’t women.” https://talksport.com/sport/1476914/transgender-male-boxer-patricio-manuel-wins-third-fight/

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I was yelling at my computer and wanted to barf listening to the part about Aayden Gallegher getting booed after stealing a state championship and a state 2nd place finish from female athletes at the Oregon 6A state meet. The two of them are so obnoxious.

The Olympics coverage by NBC is going to be in sufferable as I'm guaranteeing one major fawning bit about Hiltz, and predicting two. Go Elle!!!

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It's bad enough when men/culture/society is so overtly misogynistic, but it breaks my heart when women buy into it so happily. And if HiItz claims to not be a woman, then why is she competing with women? Erasing women causes great harms to all of us: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/the-problem-with-adding-more-ink

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What's astoundingly missed by all these groveling buffoons is that Hiltz is making the case for competing in own sex category. She is putting off transition until she's done running. Lia Thomas could have put off transitioning until after swimming. Everybody has to make decisions in life, can't always get what you want when you want.

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She's also making a case against any of these treatments being funded by insurance. The fact she can delay this supposed "life saving care" shows it is purely cosmetic.

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Very good point

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Terrific post! I wasn't really following this story - horrific that she is effectively promoting unsafe medical practices ("transitioning") to young girls looking up to her - instead of modeling pride in femaleness and what the female body can achieve.

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It defies my comprehension and stretches my imagination to breaking-point to grasp how anybody can regard "grow[ing] facial hair" as a "dream" on a par with competing in the Olympics. And surely simply having "top surgery" (without the testosterone) would not in itself disqualify Hiltz from any athletics competition. High-jumper Chaunté Lowe narrowly missed being selected for the U.S. Olympics team for the fifth time in 2021 after undergoing not just a double mastectomy but also chemotherapy for aggressive breast cancer. She was, moreover, a 37-year-old mother of three children at the time.


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I wholeheartedly agree. Dreaming about growing facial hair is one of the most pathetic things I've ever read. The world is huge, amazing and inspiring and she wants that? It's a total lack of imagination and creativity.

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. . . She could just wait for menopause!

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If she takes enough T she'll find out more than she ever wanted to know about male hair growth later in life! I fight a constant battle against asymmetrical tufts sprouting from places where I didn't even know hair could grow. And in the meantime, it all drops off of your head, where you might actually want it.

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Plus , it’s insane!

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Track and field is a foreign country to most of the public, and Nikki Hiltz is an unknown. This piece does readers a disservice by assuming the history of Hiltz's gender identity and sexual orientation is common knowledge. It is not. Furthermore, given that self-censorship driven by allyship makes it almost impossible to find an accurate and complete biography of any trans figure today, anyone who is not already in the know will be lost when they attempt to make sense of this piece. Hiltz has compounded the problem by claiming to be nonbinary (lol) and lesbian. For that reason, an introductory sentence or two that stated whether or not Hiltz is a real, natal, biological female and gave a summary of his or her journey through gender identity land would have been in order.

The following passage demands a reply:

"When Nikki Hiltz won that epic race, it was an achievement for the trans community, the queer community, the gays, LGBT2QIA+. But all women suddenly lost any claim to women’s athletic achievements. The word woman disappeared. Elle St. Pierre? Just a sex-less fellow competitor in Hiltz’s trans nonbinary world. "

How on earth was Hiltz's win an achievement for "the gays"? And what necessitated a framing that pits gay people against women? I speak for only two gay men, my husband and I, but let me assure the world that we do not maintain a scoreboard on which we count anyone's victory in athletic competition as a win for Team Gay. Moreover, if Hiltz is a man (as I discussed above, this piece does not make this clear), his mere presence as a competitor in a women-only sporting event is an outrage as far as I am concerned. Lastly, I reject the forced allyship and spurious linkage of interests implicit in the term "LGBT2QIA+". Heck, I don't even think there's such a thing as the "gay community."

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I admit, I assumed, obviously wrongly, that anyone reading my Substack would have some knowledge of Nikki Hiltz. Heck, she has been written up in every media outlet on the planet including the NY Times, Time, MSN, NBC, AP, etc etc as a trans nonbinary Olympian. Here's the background I should have included:

Nikki Hiltz is a woman who, as a kid, refused to wear dresses, liked to play with boys, and had short hair. Though this describes a very large swath of girls/women, Hiltz took this to mean she was special-- at first that she was nonbinary and in 2021, that she was transgender. She has always competed on girls'/women's teams, winning the girls' CA state high school championship at the mile, earning a scholarship to Univ of Oregon women's track team and going pro after college. Though she was quoted as saying of her nonbinary identity that sometimes she felt like a dude and sometimes she felt like a queen, every thinking person on this earth wondered aloud why Hiltz never raced on the days she felt like a dude.

In answer to your questions about that paragraph, I feel your dismay. I say that because in every single one of the hundreds of interviews she's done since she made the Olympic team, she says she was powered to this fantastic time, not by her female body, but by the love and support of the LGBTQ2IA+ community, the queer community and the trans community. And the gays? I didn't get that either, but still draped with the flag, Hiltz ran over to the camera on the track after her win and wrote on the lens "I (heart) the gays." ??? Browse her Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/nikkihiltz/?hl=en. The media are so afraid they'll use the wrong pronoun or disrespect Hiltz's very special, not-woman identity that they scrub the word woman and any reference to the other women in the race or that it was in fact a women's race from their story. Hiltz is actually an amazing female athlete, and I very much wish we could just talk about that and celebrate that. It's too bad she doesn't think that's special enough. All you have to know is that she's female, and she's racing other women.

I'm glad you agree men have no place in women's sports. And I hear many L and G people who want nothing to do with the rest of those letters.

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Thank you for the backstory. Wow. Just wow. What a piece of work - a parody, really.

I take some comfort in knowing the "LGBTQ2IA+ community" is a fiction that mainly serves corporate marketers, activists and progressive politicians. It's much more likely that Hiltz is simply the darling of a niche scene made up of gender trendsters like herself.

Many gay men, especially those of us in our 60s or older, reject gender identity ideology and anything and everything "queer." In my case, it's not just my sense of justice and fair play, but the fact that if I were the sissy boy today that I was in the early 1960s, I might be answering to Olivia instead of Ollie.

Here's a recent piece by a gay man titled "The New Gay Agenda: Divorce (from the TQ+): Why it’s time to separate the TQ+ from the LGB." https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/the-new-gay-agenda-divorce-from-the

It appears in "The Glinner Update" Substack of Graham George Linehan, the Irish comedian and critic of gender identity ideology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Linehan

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I (heart) Linehan. Thanks for the links

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I found only passing references to Hiltz on France 24 and the BBC, even though I was actually looking for her.

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Hiltz is a woman, who somehow manages to "identify as" lesbian, "non-binary" and "transgender" all at the same time. This does become evident in the course of the article, but I agree that it would have been helpful to have this information clearly set out at the beginning.


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And I’m a zebra!

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