Jul 4, 2023Liked by Sarah Barker

TUEs are intended for genuine medical need. As a female masters athlete, I cannot take testosterone as part of my HRT at a very low dose, which is a genuine medical need and yet I could identify as NB and take as much as I like, even amounts that would be detrimental to my health.

Who has decided this is a medical need? Gender affirming hormones are taken to achieve a desired aesthetic appearance. Anyone of any sex or gender can take hormones or other banned substances for the same reason.

USADA's position is incoherent. These organisations don't know what they're doing or why they're doing it. I had to read this several times and I still couldn't explain it to anyone!

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023Liked by Sarah Barker

gender ideology pretends that when a person identifies/presents their appearance as the opposite gender, that act is not a choice. if that is the case, then this act maybe protected in law from discrimination in the same way as existing protected characteristics are, such as age, sexuality, ethnic background and being an actual women.

when gender ideology activists make this claim, they set up a rights conflict with other groups whose rights may or may not be as well articulated in law. do you think women have a right to safety from biological men in restrooms? not if it discriminates against men pretending to be women. think women should have their own sports and scholarships? not if dudes want some of that action. think kids should be protected from quack medical "care" that every gov review ever done on earth found doesnt help anything and harms kids? not if big biz and gender activists can claim this is discrimination. think a parents job is to protect kids from groomers and harmful pills that cause permanent sterilization and life long severe health problems to address normal psych issues most grow out of? thats discrimination, per these dudes, and parents can lose child custody for doing that (or even thinking that as groomers coach kids how to leave home based on made up claims). think dysphoric people and people with mental illness have a right to psych care evidence shows helps them? not if that may discriminate against their possible gender identity. think people have the right to their own thoughts and freedom to speak those thoughts? not if men can claim those thoughts and words discriminate against their right to turn every part of society and culture into their own personal amusement park as they get their jollys in endless ways.

of course this is all based on a lie. changing ones appearance to match the opposite gender is 100% a choice. and its a choice with dubious benefits - there is to actual evidence that this choice helps anyone. people claim it does. but these claims are actually the lowest form of proof. systematic evidence reviews found this does more harm than good. the emperor has no cloths.

Billionaires have spent decades and billions of dollars promoting this mens rights movement that erases the rights of a doz groups, is misogynistic, homophobic and is primarily a fascist misinformation campaign. by attaching their cause to the unrelated LGB rights cause, theyve scammed many into joining their efforts, including most democrats. jeff bezos ex wife, who ive always sided with, is one of the many people funding this rights grab.

gender ideology policies are very unpopular. decades ago these mens rights activists knew they couldnt go public with any of their goals. so what were witnessing is how a rights movement operates that isnt seeking public approval. instead they are taking these rights without the public knowing.


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Exactly. It took me forever to try to make sense of it, and in the end, the bottom line is that anything is possible in the NB category. Because it's fantasy just like gender ideology

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You're a very sick person. Get your facts straight.

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Ultimately this seems to me to be a bit downstream of representation. There's no reason every sport body played by both sexes shouldn't have a 50/50 sex split in the general administrative part of the governing body, 100% female in the women's specific part, and likewise 100% men in the specifically male side. That won't even gaurantee anything, women have sadly shown themselves to be quislings on sex-based rights time and again, but it would at least help and there's no valid argument against it.

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I don't get it. The theory is that sex is separate from gender, and yet one replaces the other. It makes no sense to do so. Spinelessness abounds.

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